Saturday, April 11, 2009

Are Multi-level and Network Marketing the same?

In regards to the topic, Multi-level and Network Marketing are essentially the same. Its purpose is to allow a company to market products straight to their consumers in means of relationship referrals. In every bit of the category, marketing online has been always true to standards except a striking difference. But most of the time, it exemplifies the traditional method but having to earn more without having to sell products directly.
Whether to be argued or not, they have both the same in nature. Both are essentially the same by making more sales from the help of other companies. By this, it can easily make more sales as compared to independently selling their products.
With respect to having earned sales through Network or Multi-Level Marketing, they also have agreements such as commissions from having such revenue.
With relation to sales, there is also a way in which an Affiliate company can get a wholesale price by purchasing products off from the mother company at a lower cost. This will also eliminate the commissions but will likely earn almost the same.
In the Internet industry, all of these things also apply. With having Affiliates that can easily earn better with each others’ help, it can make sure products can be easily sold without having to put up too much effort especially on commercial advertising.
Having a Referral business online also serves as a way to increase visitors. There is an infinite loop on making this happen. With the help of Search Engine Optimization, all of the fields in affiliate marketing turns to working mode as this can easily make people appear on a site and easily make money for you and affiliates. With this simple principle, it can make an online business thrive.
With the proper maintenance of optimizations and content that is relevant, it is likely that a business will grow and get higher positions in search engine results page. This may not be about Multi-Level or Network Marketing but this will fuel both of them with just simple and constant additional efforts to make sure they are visible on regular internet surfers.
However, there is a striking difference in which the traditional “Multi-Level Marketing” in the real world. As the position in a network does not count in the internet, you only earn what you have sold and not having higher commissions if having any positions.
With online MLM, you can spend time more with your family and not to prey on them for a business opportunity. With just even mentioning the business plan, friends can easily be turned down as they know the nature of selling products on a pyramid structure. Also with the internet MLM and Network Marketing, it can easily be known to a larger audience without sweating it out, all of which can be done without having any conversations.
Even with the structure the same as a corporate pyramid, Multi Level Marketing online is strictly for paid work and not having to buy products to get a commission as compared to the real world pyramid marketing. This is the distinctive comparison between MLM and Network Marketing to the typical structure job.

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